Description EligibilityWith approval, you may sublet your University rental unit if you are on approved leave for all or part of the academic year, or during the summer months.GuidelinesThe University rental contract holder must obtain prior approval for the sublet from the Housing and Real Estate Services (HRES) office. Submit a Sublet Approval Request form via My Housing for Faculty & Staff.University rental units must be sublet to eligible University affiliates. Subletting to students is prohibited.Sublet listings and advertisements must be approved by HRES prior to posting. To best reach eligible sublettors, tenants should advertise their sublet via the University’s Off-Campus Housing Website.No sublet is permitted beyond the lease period.Sublets for less than 30 days are prohibited.Rental amounts charged for the unit must not exceed the current rental amounts charged by the University for a comparable furnished unit (For Faculty/Staff rentals only:contract rate + $300 per month. This rental amount does not pertain to graduate housing sublets.). The University rental contract holder will remain liable for the total rent due during the term of the Sublease Agreement.The University rental contract holder is expected to use the Sublease Agreement (found under "Related Documents"). A copy of the Agreement must be submitted to HRES prior to the start of the sublet period. This written "Agreement" for the subtenant will clearly state the period of sub-tenancy, rental payment expectations, and any other conditions deemed necessary and must be signed by the University rental contract holder and subtenant.The University rental contract holder will remain solely responsible for making rental payments. The University rental contract holder will also remain solely responsible for any and all damages beyond normal wear and tear that may be caused to the property during the period of sub-tenancy and will bear all costs for such repairs.The University rental contract holder is expected to provide keys to the subtenant. HRES will not issue additional keys to any subtenant without written or electronic authorization from the University rental contract holder.HRES cannot issue parking permits to any subtenant. The subtenant must obtain a University parking permit for the period of the sub-tenancy through Transportation and Parking Services. Related documents Faculty & Staff Sublease Agreement Related links Off-Campus Housing Website Transportation and Parking Services