Featured Image Description Graduate Room Draw Guide 2025-2026What's New for Room DrawGraduate Room Draw Quick GuideA Quick SummaryGraduate Room Draw takes place each fall and designates rooms to students for the following academic year. Whether you are interested in an apartment or a dormitory room in the Graduate college or Annexes, you can submit an application through My Housing for Graduates when it becomes available in December.During Room Draw, students will:Complete a room draw application prior to the application deadline (specifying room preferences)Be assigned a lottery numberBecome successful for a room type (apartments) OR participate in a room selection process (dormitories).Eligible to apply:Students who are currently enrolled and will return the next academic yearStudents on a leave of absence or in absentia and will return the next academic yearStudents who will not be enrolled may not participate in room draw, but may submit a Wait List application starting in mid-April. Those students should not be listed as roommates as it may disqualify an application.Renewals EligibilityPlease read the following if you wish to renew your contract:Students who will receive an automatic offer:G1s, G2s and G3s in studio or 1 bedroom apartmentsG1s, G2s or G3s with spouses or domestic partners in 2 bedroom apartmentsFamilies with children in any size apartmentStudents who need to submit a renewal form:G1s, G2s and G3s with eligible roommates in shared apartments (2, 3, or 4 bedroom apartments). Students can only renew fully occupied apartments. Vacancies can be filled by naming any G1, G2, or G3 on the renewal form.G1s, G2s and G3s in the GC or Annexes, regardless of room type (students in singles in the GC or annexes must submit a Renewal form to receive a renewal offer)IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT regarding Pre-Draw Renewal: students in the GC and Annexes who wish to renew for the 2025-26 Academic Year must do so by emailing The Service Point at [email protected] before the December 2 deadline.Students who are eligible for pre-draw renewal or want to pull in students to become eligible for pre-draw renewal need to complete the following steps:Fill out a Renewal by 5:00pm on December 2, 2024.Specify any students to pull in to fill any vacancies (first-, second-, and third-year students only).Applications will be reviewed and contracts will be sent out for student signatures on December 20, 2024.All apartment renewal contracts must begin on July 1, 2025.All new residents filling vacancies in a renewal unit will most likely start July 18, 2025 or later, unless the apartment is ready for a July 1, 2025 start date. Every effort will be made to keep pulled-in occupants in their current residence until they can move in to their future unit.All eligible students participating in renewal must login to My Housing for Graduates to accept their contract offer. Renewal offers are sent on December 20, 2024, and must be accepted by 5:00pm on December 27, 2024. Offers that are not accepted by the deadline will be canceled, and students will have to go through the Room Draw process to secure on-campus housing. If you are unable to submit a form, view an offer, or require assistance, please contact The Service Point at 609.258.8300 or via [email protected].Pre-Draw RenewalApartmentsThe Renewal Form is an online form. This form may be accessed at this link beginning on November 15, 2024.If you have any questions, please contact The Service Point at 609.258.8300 or via [email protected].DormitoriesIf a student living in the Graduate College or Annexes would like to renew their room for the following year, they must submit a Renewal Form to the Housing Office by December 2, 2024.WaitlistIf you applied to Room Draw and you are not successful, you will automatically be waitlisted.If you did not apply for Room Draw, you may apply to the waitlist through My Housing for Graduates, beginning on May 1, 2025. Students who are not already on the waitlist are strongly encouraged to search for off-campus housing. The Housing Office maintains a vetted list of off-campus housing options.The Housing Office makes offers to waitlisted students on a rolling basis as housing becomes available.Meal PlansIf you live in the Graduate College, you are required to have a meal plan. If you live in the annexes or in the apartments, you have the option to purchase a meal plan but are not required to do so.For pricing and details, please visit the Campus Dining website.Non-Resident Membership Fee Graduate students with university housing contracts other than at the Graduate College and Annexes are automatically non-resident members of the Graduate College House and will be charged a fee of $15 for the Graduate College House non-resident membership for the academic year and hence be afforded all voting and other privileges that come with membership, including the D-Bar for those at least 21 years of age and GC Functions.Graduate students may request to opt out of the GC non-resident membership but must do so within five days after accepting their housing contract by completing the opt-out form. No credit for the GC non-resident membership will be provided to graduate students who terminate their housing contract early or move from one graduate housing unit type to another during the academic year; the student will continue to have GC non-resident membership for the remainder of the academic year so as long as they continue to be an enrolled graduate student.AbsentiaIf requested, Students who spent the entire previous academic year In Absentia and who did not have an active housing contract for that academic year will have their housing priority adjusted by one year. A list of In Absentia students will be provided to the Housing Office by the Graduate School and will automatically be considered in Room Draw. For example, a current G3 In Absentia would have the same housing priority as a current G2 who spent no time In Absentia. The goal of program is to provide better access to housing for students whose program requires travel, internships, and/or field work. Only students who were In Absentia are eligible for this program, provided they remain enrolled and otherwise eligible for graduate housing; for this reason, an ET/DCC student, for example, would not be eligible. Graduate Room Draw Guide Room Draw GuideWhat's New for Room Draw Calendar of Important DatesDormitory Room SelectionRoom Draw FAQ