Your Housing Contract


Fulfilling Your Contract

If you select or are assigned a living space during Room Draw and have signed a housing/dining contract electronically, Princeton University expects you to fulfill the terms of your contract for the entire academic year. Your housing/dining service agreement charges are payable as determined by the Office of the Treasury (Loans and Receivables).  If you fail to pay as agreed, you may be subject to suspension and withholding of your degree and transcripts.

Early termination of the contract may result in cancellation fees. Please consult the terms and conditions. There are no refunds for cancelling housing in the GC/Annexes after May 1st. 

Students in apartments can be prorated provided they fill out an intent to vacate form 30 days prior to their departure. Cancellation fees will apply. 

Contract Period

If you choose to live in the Graduate College, you generally contract for nine months beginning in August and ending in May. Graduate student apartment contracts typically run for 12 months from July 1 through June 30.

Terms and Conditions

Graduate Room and Meal Plans