Room Selection


When to Select Your Room

Draw times are posted online in March. You will select your room at My Housing for Undergraduates during room selection. You may select throughout the duration of room draw, but you will be competing with other students whose draw times follow yours.

If you log in to My Housing for Undergraduates and click the appropriate "Room Selection" link, you can then search for available rooms by building and room type. You will not be able to log into the room selection page until your draw time begins. In the Residential College Draws, if the junior and/or senior limits have been reached, rooms will still show on the full available rooms list (these are now reserved for sophomores). However, no rooms will show when you log in for your draw time. You must, at this point, utilize one of your other draw times to secure a room.

My Housing for Undergraduates

How to Select Your Room

On the day and time of your draw, log in to My Housing for Undergraduates and select your room.

Draw groups will only be able to view rooms that match the size of their group and lower (Example: A draw group of three people can only select from Triple, Double, and Single rooms). In order to select a room, the draw group must be able to fill the selected room(s) (Example: Three Person Draw Group = A Triple room; A Double and a Single Room; or Three Single rooms)

Designate a Proxy

If you are unable to select a room during your draw time, you may designate another student or the Undergraduate Student Housing Office to act as your proxy. Group members may designate a leader to act as a proxy for their whole group. To designate a proxy:

  • Log in to My Housing for Undergraduates and choose "Assign a Proxy" from the menu.
  • Enter the last name and first name of the student who will be your proxy, or choose the Undergraduate Student Housing Office option.
  • Your proxy will be notified by e-mail of your proxy request and will be required to agree to the terms stated.
  • At your draw time, your proxy will be permitted to log in to My Housing for Undergraduates to select a room.
  • You may overturn your proxy designation at any time by logging into My Housing for Undergraduates, selecting your proxy designation, and canceling it before your room draw time.

View Available Rooms

Log in to My Housing for Undergraduates to see rooms still available on the available rooms list. The full list of independent rooms is a separate document. You will need to use both lists to see what rooms are available in that draw.

Drop Down to a Later Draw Time

You or your proxy may drop down to a later draw time, if it suits your needs or if no available rooms meet the configuration of your group. You will need the number of the group to which you are dropping down. Group numbers are listed in My Housing for Undergraduates. The Drop Down function is not available in the Independent or Spelman draws.

Select Your Room at Your Assigned Time

At your draw time, you or your proxy should log in to My Housing for Undergraduates to select a room. From that point, you may select throughout the duration of room draw, but keep in mind that you will be competing with other students whose draw times follow yours. Once you select a room, you can not rescind the contract under any circumstances so please choose carefully.

Accept Your Room Choice

Residential College draws

  • Select your room.
  • Carefully review your contract. Your acceptance is binding and cannot be changed.
  • Click “Accept.” Your room contract will display.
  • Save a copy of your contract.

If you select a room in a substance-free area, My Housing for Undergraduates will prompt you to sign the substance-free agreement before you can accept your housing contract.

Spelman, Independent, and Upperclass Draws

  • Select your room.
  • Carefully review your contract. Your acceptance is binding and cannot be changed.
  • Click “Accept.” Your housing contract will display.
  • Save a copy of your contract.